November 18, 2000


"A News Story From My Fantasy Future"


Chronicle of the 21st Century

2025 – Passage of the male Registration Act

The passage of the male Registration Act (mRA) in 2025 met with surprisingly little resistance. After the dramatic reductions in male rights over the preceding twenty years, the assignment of male custody to the nearest Female relative was not viewed as particularly surprising or disturbing. For most males, it merely meant the formalization of subordinate relationships with wives, mothers or sisters which had already formed due to either economic necessity or cultural change. The only males greatly affected by the mRA were those who, for want of anyone else, suddenly found themselves in the custody of their ex-wives. This admittedly uncomfortable (for the male) situation spawned a brief publishing boom featuring such sensationalistic titles as “Make the Worm Pay,” devoted to ways for these Women to enjoy the new situation.

