May 21, 2004



There were only two of us in the office at the last place I worked.  Myself and a girl of about 20.  I handled the customers and she handled the technical side of things.  Eventually they downsized the office and let me go.  If it could have happened differently...

I would have shown up Monday morning to find her sitting behind my desk.  She would explain to me that home office had placed her in charge and that she was making changes.  First, I could forget about being salaried.  Effective immediately, I was working for minimum wage and I would be classed as a temp.  She would make sure I never worked enough hours to qualify for any benefits.  On the plus side, she would say with a smile, all those savings from my demotion could go toward the substantial raise she had deserved for so long.


I would nod, "Yes, K."

"You mean, Ms. H."

I would sigh, "Yes, Ms. H."

"Better.  Now fetch me a cup of coffee."
